Saturday, 25 February 2012

I never knew....

I learnt something new about myself tonight.  When I scream, I run on the spot with my hands on the side of my face.

G and I were sitting watching tv.  Little T was outside on the verandah watching the night bugs fly about.  I then heard this unusual rustling sound.  I peaked out of the glass windows to see what Little T was up to.

It looked like Little T was carrying a twig in his mouth and he was coming back along the verandah towards me.  I said to G, "what's he got?"

G wasn't too concerned as he watched Little T run inside.

"Oh my god," I yelled, it's a mouse.

G jumped up, "what!"

Sure enough, Little T had caught his first mouth.  He dropped it near G's feet and the mouse took off.

I screamed, my hands going up to my head, my feet running of the spot, 'aaaaaaaargh'

G was amused but I'm not sure at me or Little T.

"Get the mouse, get the mouse."  I yelled as I jumped on the lounge.  The mouse ran behind a painting that was leaning against the dining room wall.

G causally disappears towards the bedrooms.  I'm panicked.  "where are you going?"  The G returns with the metal base ball bat. 

"You can't kill it with the bat, blood will go every where!"  I've stopped running on the spot but my heart is still racing.  "Hurry, babe, oh my god, you have to get it."

G grabs a tea towel. Little T has his eyes focused on the painting waiting for the mouse.  G lifts the painting and the mouse bolts for the kitchen.  I scream again.  I'm running on the spot praying the mouse is caught.  There is no way I could sleep if it disappeared in the house.

A second later G marches outside with the mouse in the tea towel.  Its mangled from Little T and G needs to kill it so its not in any more pain.  Gross.  G doesn't want to do it but knows he must.  I feel for him, I don't know if I could've done it.

The cat is looking for his mouse and G takes the poor little things body upstairs to the bins.

While upstairs I'm wiping things down, washing my hands.  I walk back to the lounge room and Little T comes out from under the dining table scaring me.  I scream.  I thought it was a possum.

G comes running back down. "what is it?"

I nearly wet myself laughing at myself.  Typical me, scaring myself.  Finally G and I can laugh. Wow, what a night!

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