Saturday, 24 March 2012

I had to do a tan on Friday night.  The kids stayed with G.  I returned home just before them.  The kids came racing in all excited and loud.  They told me they had the best time.  They make me laugh.  I'm so pleased they had such a good time with G.  They talked, talked and bounced around so excited it was hard to get them in to bed.

During the day G had to wrestle the cat in to the travel bag.  I nearly wet myself laughing as G described how he had hair all through his hair, up his nostrils as the cat refused to get in the bag and had all his legs out like he was parachuting, then he scratched him trying to escape.

It was a big day.  G did well.
Lunch of the verandah with Miss S.  It was great. 
Ham sandwich and earl grey tea for Miss S.
Tuna sandwich and warm lemon water for me.
Miss S brought her new note book that she has titled: My Great Adventures.
She wrote all day long.  I felt like I was a living Speak and Spell.
Her writing is so neat, her spelling and grammer are improving so fast.

This morning she had an assessment at gymnastics.  She is such a natural.  She needs to go up to an older class because she is just bored waiting for the others to wobble along the beam or stumble through kartwheels or rolls.

Waverton Park, breath of fresh air

This year Master O's soccer training is at Waverton Park.  A stunning location where you can walk or use the grass park area.

There were little tracks to explore and it was a great way to finish up a busy day.

Miss S and I went for a walk, it was a beautiful sunny afternoon.

Miss S loves to write so we sat and she wrote stories in her new book.

Monday, 19 March 2012

I had acupuncture and consult today.  Feeling good.  Feeling excited, even though it is early days.  I did another pregnancy test.  As tragic as this is, I took a little video of the second line developing on the test. I couldn't help.  I can't believe we got the one shot in.  G is so proud of himself.
A walk at Manly, watching some volley ball, Miss S cheering (was so funny), ice cream and a lazy Sunday afternoon.  Very happy.
She is so delightful and she is so playful and cheeky with G. She makes him laugh.

Master O is wondering how he is going to eat through the thick chocolate dipped cone.
Miss S is tucking in to a cup with sprinkles and chocolate sauce, her favourite.

I love walking around chatting with Master O.  He is so observant and curious.  It's wonderful.
(Master O wearing his favourite shirt and shoes)

Yesterday G grabbed some groceries for the week, I picked the kids up and we were all home for dinner. It was great.  G has alot of things going on with work and pulling together a contract so it was great to see him laugh with us at dinner.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

I couldn't wait

I'm suppose to wait until tomorrow or Wednesday to test.  Can I wait that long?  No.  If we were home on Saturday and not at the wedding I might have tested Saturday night.

This morning I got out the test.  3 long minutes.  Geoff dozing with the test in his hand.  I'm getting ready for work and preparing kids lunches to keep distracted.  3 minutes!  Then I go and check.

Bingo!  A micracle.  We're pregnant.  The one shot we had before Geoff went to Canberra, and it worked!  Wow.

Geoff wasn't surprised.  He said that he knew.  My body has been so hot, there was an interesting mood swing that Geoff probably thought was hormonal. But it wasn't, I tell myself.

Yahoo.  Two pink lines.  We're going to have a baby in November!  Very Exciting.

Country Wedding

This Saturday we attended Kye and Rhiannan's wedding.  Geoff's cousin.  It rained three days straight and the come the wedding the rain eased and they were married on the pier and the Toronto Yacht Club.  It was nice.  This was the first time I got to meet Geoff's family.  I'd heard so many stories about them that I was really looking forward to meeting them. 

Majority of the family are still based in Tamworth.  There were so many first and second cousins it was fascinating.  They were all so lovely and interesting in their own ways.  I had such a great time.

What I learnt about country weddings: 
- You get to watch the football from our table during the reception and speech. Love that.
- If its free alcohol, no one leaves till the bar runs out of alochol. 
- You must dance. 
- Family is the most important thing in life. 
- If some one doesn't finish their meal its pickings for others. 
- By the end of the night most women had their shoes off and were jumping around on the dance floor.
- You can stand up straight and be asleep at the same time.
- Never act surprised, even when there is a tokin Egyptian man married to a cousin at the wedding.
- Don't drink herbal tea (my mistake).
- If you order lemon, lime, bitters you  must say it's Vodka when they look suspiciously at your drink.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

I had acupuncture today. It was lovely, it really helps me slow down and relax.  I'm day 22.  For me this means 5 more sleeps and I can test.

I've felt a few pangs today on the left side.  Once of the right.  I'm hoping its implantation and not my breakfast and lunch talking.

Lily said my pulse was good, glow on my face is good, eyes looking good. She would like to do blood tests on hormones but its wait and see at this stage as I'm taking the progesterone.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Is it the calm before the storm.  Things are very slow paced, not much going on.  Generally, it means enjoy the slow pace before the busy period ahead.  I'm on the count down at the moment before I can test. So the week is dragging on.

G thinks I must be pregnant because I a space cadet.  So vague and just in another world. I laugh it off but he's right.  I wonder if the Clexane is slowing me down as it thins my blood. (some thing to google later)

Yesterday I was a bit on edge and not myself.  I must stop irrational fears swalling me up and draining my mood and energy.  G noticed my sullen mood and tried to make me laugh and snap me out of it.  To his best efforts it was impossible.  To his cerdit, we did end up laughing before bed.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Where is my head!

I am just so vague at the moment.  I'm so slow, or would some people say that I'm just calm and at a normal pace?!  I'm not frustrated by it, I actually find it quite funny as I just can't rush.  And certainly not like I used to.  I'm not concerned about picking the pace up, forgeting things, misplacing things.  Oh dear, maybe that's the acupuncture :))

I look at Little T curled up and think, oh how lovely that would be

(Little T playing peek-a-boo. He loves playing under the sheets)

I had to start taking Clexane Saturday night.  I sat on the bed, it was 2am.  I couldn't bring myself to do it.  The needle was way to sharp.  Thankfully it wasn't huge, and it was only 40mg, but it couldn't get my head around doing it.

I asked G if he'd help me.  He'd just got home after a 12hour day with his cousins at the races and drinking at Darling Habour.  I knew he was dead tired.  I stood holding the needle.  'Can you help me?' I asked.  'I can't do it.'

He smiled, 'I don't think I'm too drunk.'  We both laughed.  I didn't care, I couldn't do it myself anyway.

G went through the checklist making sure I got the air out of the needle etc.  G pinched the skin on my stomach and in the needle went.

Ouch. Oh. It hurt.  I couldn't look.  It hurt so much.  oh.

Then G says, 'are you sure you got the air out?'

I look stunned.  'I'm confident I did,' I tell him.

I hope I don't die in my sleep if there was air in there, what will happen!?  G said go and google it.

As it went in to my tissue I'm fine, the problem is if it's in a vein.  From the study I hear G snore loudly.  The cat runs to the study.  I smile.  I should be fine.  But G is going to have to do this each night

We spent the warm Sunday walking along Manly beach, it was great to chat, walk and get some sun.  G reached for my hand as we strolled along, it was nice.
(Brass sculptures along the walk).

He updated me on stories about his cousins and their night out.  Starting from Warwick Farm races and in to the city for dinner and drinks the night before.  I picked G up about 1am, he did so well to be up and moving today.

It was a relaxing day.  I felt quite tired from a busy week so it was great to exercise and then spend the afternoon watching the football and reading the papers - my favourite things to do from 4pm Sunday!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

The sweetist man

I sent G a message from soccer tonight saying we'd made it, Master O doing well.  Sienna and I were sipping Earl Grey tea at the windy park watching Master O.  With 20 minutes to go up strolls G, right behind me.  Wow.  What a fantastic surprise.

He'd driven all the way back from Canberra after two full days of work, and he stopped via the park to see us.  Hugging, kissing and giving him a squeeze I was so excited.  We watched Master O train.  I know Master O would have loved that G cared enough to come by to watch him.  He always asks where G is, when will he be home, will he watch me.

It was actually Sienna this time that did a 'Welcome Home' sign.  She was looking forward ot surprising him.

When we got home I asked G why he called by.  He said, 'there was no point going home if you weren't going to be there.'  I thought this was a wonderful reply. 
Made me warm and feel loved up.

Master O started soccer training tonight.  First night back and he got through the drills well and even scored a goal in the practice game.  I wish he realised his potential.  I don't push him but there are times I want to yell 'come on Osc' from the sideline.  My mum was always so encouraging, never pushy or adding pressure when I was competing in gymnastics.  I hope I remain that way with the kids but I know there are times when the competitive me is dancing on the inside wanting to push them a little harder as their both very fortunate natural athletes.

After training we played in the park for a while.  The kids spun themselves dizzy on the tea cup.  They laughed, and laughed until they couldn't sit straight and practically rolled out of the tea cup.  It was so funny.

Monday, 5 March 2012

ooooh, last night I had the ovulation sign so G and I got 'busy.'   I admit I was very excited.  It was earlier than I thought though but nonetheless the signs were there so I gave G the nod and the wink.  He just laughs at me.

Today, Monday, I got kids up and straight in to the car in order to get to RPA by 7.30am.  Miss S woke as bright as the sun. I had an apple juice ready for her and she was all set.  Master O was alot harder to move. Plus he insisted on getting out of his pyjamas and in to his uniform.  I took a deep breath, trying not to look to hurried.  I used the soft coaxing voice to usher them up and in to the car.  As I drove off towards my mum's I was elated, it only took 12minutes.

Car was packed: school bags, lunches, breakfast, Sienna's uniform and shoes, my lunch, lemon water and chopped carrots.  Mum, the best mum in the world, was waiting at her gate to help the kids inside and get them breakfast. I am so blessed, she is so wonderful.

I made it to RPA with some time to spare, a record 27 minutes. Very happy.  After chatting to the specialist and doing the bloods I headed to work looking forward to the day.

RPA advised that afternoon that I had the LH surge so I have to start on the progesterone on Wednesday and Clexane on Saturday!   wow, its all happening.  Fingers crossed we hit the mark as Geoff's away tonight.   I thought I might have another 3 days of blood work but no, I hit the jackpot on cycle day 12.

Sunday we all went ice-skating.  Miss S was so excited as dear Rose passed on Sammy's old skate boots, they were hardly worn, Miss S was so grateful.  She is very lucky. 

Miss S wore them all morning around the house.  I reminded her she'd blunt the blade so she laid down with them on, it was very funny.

Oscar sped around the ice-skating rink as Geoff timed him.  Miss S let go of my hand half way through the two hour session, it was great to see her confidence grow.  The skating boots were fantastic.

Fun day.