Sunday, 18 March 2012

Country Wedding

This Saturday we attended Kye and Rhiannan's wedding.  Geoff's cousin.  It rained three days straight and the come the wedding the rain eased and they were married on the pier and the Toronto Yacht Club.  It was nice.  This was the first time I got to meet Geoff's family.  I'd heard so many stories about them that I was really looking forward to meeting them. 

Majority of the family are still based in Tamworth.  There were so many first and second cousins it was fascinating.  They were all so lovely and interesting in their own ways.  I had such a great time.

What I learnt about country weddings: 
- You get to watch the football from our table during the reception and speech. Love that.
- If its free alcohol, no one leaves till the bar runs out of alochol. 
- You must dance. 
- Family is the most important thing in life. 
- If some one doesn't finish their meal its pickings for others. 
- By the end of the night most women had their shoes off and were jumping around on the dance floor.
- You can stand up straight and be asleep at the same time.
- Never act surprised, even when there is a tokin Egyptian man married to a cousin at the wedding.
- Don't drink herbal tea (my mistake).
- If you order lemon, lime, bitters you  must say it's Vodka when they look suspiciously at your drink.

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