Monday, 21 March 2011

New Respect

I grew up in a family that followed Rugby League.  Men were men, they watched the footie, had a beer and yelled at the Referee if he penalised their team.  The entire family followed the Tigers.  One year I had a crush on a Parramatta player and decided I'd go for Parra.  Well, I was the family outcast, they promptly named me a turncoat.  It was quite funny.
Soccer was not really played around our area and soccer players were always seen as 'girls' when they'd fake a fall and grab their leg.  I don't really understand the rules of soccer and never really watched too much of a game if it was on tv.
On a warm, balmy night the Socceroo's were playing Portugal in Sydney.  On the spare of the moment we decided to watch the game.  The County Boy is more the Urban Hunk now and a legend soccer player so it was decided we'd go watch the game.  It was so last minute I was hoping we'd get seats where we could atleast see the numbers on the players back.  Harry Kewell was playing!  Plus there was some media coverage on Mark Schwarzer so I was inspired to watch him in action to.
There were so many people all trying to converge through narrow doors down the their seats.  I stayed tucked behind Urban Hunk as he led me through the crowds to our seats.  Wow.  Right in front, in the middle of the field!  Awesome!
The game went so fast, the pace no stop, it was fantastic.  I have a new found respect for soccer players.  I think this pleased Urban Hunk who I used to tease about the soccer fake falls.   I had so much fun, it was great to watch live.  And I got my pictures of Harry Kewell in action. 


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