Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Time is your friend

A wise friend once told me, 'time is your friend.'   It make me stop and questions why I was always racing against it.  Why I hurried about and walked so quickly.  Why was I rushing?  You can not beat time.  So from that day forward I made time my friend. 
Well it was easier said than done.  I had to make a conscious effort to not do two things at once, to walk slower, breathe, drive smoothly and slowly, save petrol was one good motivator in changing my driving habits, and it worked!   I often had to repeat my new mantra, 'time is your friend,' as I found my heart racing from rushing or frustrated by a queue of people.  Slowly it sunk in, I slowed down.  I used the time wisely.  I started observing so much of life around me.  It's not to say I'm cured but I certainly see a lot more and its open up a whole new world on conversation with people I've never met before but have shared part of the life experiences with me.

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