Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Grateful for sunny afternoon

Thank you Universe.  Out of all the days I needed it to stop raining, the clouds cleared and the blue sky came out to warm us.  The kids played in the park under the watchful and amused eyes of nanna while I went to an appointment.  They ran around the new park for half hour having a great time.  Mum enjoyed relaxing in the sun after a busy day.  It was such a big, leafy park with lots to explore and climb, so easy to sit back and watch the kids have fun.

Afterwards we cooked dinner for mum.  She loved having a home cooked meal and she laughed as the kids told stories and we passed the 'speaker' spoon around to ask questions.  We all missed Master G who is away.

I'm tired now.  A big day, although normally, as I get the kids ready for school, drop them off, race to work, grab groceries at lunch, pick them up, play with them, cook, and do the bath, brush teeth, read book routine with them, clean up and prepare for tomorrow, put the clean clothes away.  I'm blessed, they are wonderful and make me laugh everyday but geez I'm tired.  I need a holiday.  Please Universe, I need a holiday

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