Friday, 23 December 2011

Only for the Brave!

It has to be done.  There is no option but to face the crowds, the parking mayhem and hordes of determined and tired mum and dads amongst the teenagers that hover in the walking paths of shopping centres.  Yes, today I faced the shops to complete the Christmas shopping.

Thankfully my work car spot is close to all the shops so without much hassle I parked and strolled in while chatting to mum about her Christmas preparations.  I was in such luck when I went looking for Master G's present, the shop assistant was helpful, shepointed me in the direction of my next gift which was the only one left.... I got served at the registers right away.  Slowly, the crowds of shoppers weren't so bad, the Christmas music playing got me in the spirit and I smiled to myself as I looked for gifts for the kids.  I did do some miles walking from when end of the huge shoping centre to the other and then back again as I tried to work out if I had everything I needed.  Next year I must do a list!

As my feet began to ache I finally sat for lunch at 3pm!  Sushi Train beckoned me and a cup of green tea.  ooooh, nice, this was good.  Shopping complete, no stress or drama.

On my way home I talked to Master G, he was loading up the kids new iPod Touches, which was proving more challenging than he thought.  Glad we're getting it done today!

I sat in the kids room, listening to some easy music and wrapping presents.  It was a good feeling.  In the background were some frustrated grunts from Master G as the iPod registrations weren't so smooth.  All in all, great day!


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