Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Swimming with the Sharks

It sounds exciting, and being inside the tank is probably more exciting... but for those watching, well the sharks weren't that interested in food and as the lady with the mike talked about the shark facts Master O and Miss S yawned and said 'the sharks aren't very hungry.'  Miss S ended up laying down watching from her relaxed horizontal position.  As always, people smiled at her dearly.

We'd walked around looking at the huge sting rays and sharks.  We 'aaawww and aaagh' at all of them.  By the time we watched the shark feeding the kids were over any sort of fish, large or small.  It was nice to get out for some fresh air afterwards and stroll around Manly. 

Kids played in large plastic balls on water, laughing until they were exhausted. 
Thankfully Sienna didn't throw up.  Vomit in the plastic ball would've been a
complete disaster, and only funny the next day!

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