Saturday, 31 December 2011

Just see where this road leads...

We had some time to fill before visiting one more family on the way home.  Hmmm, where to go?  Master G points the car in a direction and off we go. 

We found a park for the kids to burn some energy

and then a little walk to a fantastic view of the coast and hang gliders.

Love hotels - room service - view - big plush towels

At the end of a long day we relaxed back at our hotel.  We had a new room with a view, which meant nice new bathroom, carpet and furnishings.  It was great!  Kids loved it, and as usual, they got settled straight away.

Master G and I were too tired for our usual card game so once the kids were well and truly asleep we played out nocturnal game in the bathroom!  wow!

Room service in the morning! 
oh, so easy, love it!

Kids slept in too, amazing!
They love lazing around with Master G. He is great with them.

Marks Point, Newcastle

We stopped off to see friends, and I admit it was the most wonderful catch up and so relaxing, even with six kids!  The ideal house on the shallow lake. 

The kids played so well and just loved paddling and playing in the water.  Without so many others there we got to catch up with the family and talk. It was great.  Thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Great conversation, fabulous lunch, great way to start our mini-getaway!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011


We're off to Newcastle for one night.  Master O has packed his own bag full of toys in the main compartment and in the small zip section at the front of the bag, he has stuffed it one pair of undies, pants & shirt! I guess I'll have to take a jacket, hat and pajamas in my bag for him.  He's so funny.

Leaving Little T the cat was more difficult than I though.  I know he'll be fine though but its the first time for T that we will not be around.

As much as I'll miss T I'm looking forward to our one night getaway!   As we drive up, I'm wondering if I'be put in the deck of cards for our game tonight?!  Perhaps I will have to grab Master G for some 'private time' in the bathroom!  With mirror!  That sounds much more fun than cards ;)

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Little T's christmas present

Cute little T loves his christmas present.  Everyone loves watching him play, jump around and run off and then sneak up on his toys again.

The piece of string is the all-time consistent favour it though.

Swimming with the Sharks

It sounds exciting, and being inside the tank is probably more exciting... but for those watching, well the sharks weren't that interested in food and as the lady with the mike talked about the shark facts Master O and Miss S yawned and said 'the sharks aren't very hungry.'  Miss S ended up laying down watching from her relaxed horizontal position.  As always, people smiled at her dearly.

We'd walked around looking at the huge sting rays and sharks.  We 'aaawww and aaagh' at all of them.  By the time we watched the shark feeding the kids were over any sort of fish, large or small.  It was nice to get out for some fresh air afterwards and stroll around Manly. 

Kids played in large plastic balls on water, laughing until they were exhausted. 
Thankfully Sienna didn't throw up.  Vomit in the plastic ball would've been a
complete disaster, and only funny the next day!

At the Beach

At the beach for a stroll before Master G goes in to feed the sharks! 
It was nice to sit in the sun, listen to the waves roll in lazily to shore and watch the kids enjoy.  Secretly, I'm hoping Sienna doesn't vomit as she's been sick the last day.  I'm carrying a plastic bag incase we're inside for the emergency.

Miss S and my feet as we sit at the beach.

Morning view at Manly.

Long day

Wow, today was long. Miss S woke at 1am being sick. Poor little thing. Stripped her bed, made new bed on mattress next to our bed, finally fell back to sleep and Master G wakes startled by a phone ringing. Mine. I jump up half asleep at 5am, stagger to my bag to find se put an alarm for 5! Free, Master O! Miss S wakes 6.30am and we read interactive bookspn her iPod. I barely keep my eyes open as the boys sleep. I'm now sitting quietly on the lounge. The cat stretches out safely with the kids in bed. I listen to their giggles and laughter as they try and pretend to sleep. The long day, aching back wash away. I love the sound of their lighter. I love it when they're finally tucked in bed too! I'm very tired tonight but need to pack the beach bag and food for tomorrow; Master G is feeding the sharks at Manly!

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Is that a gorilla!

We had my father's family's christmas lunch today.  The kids had a wonderful time playing in the pool.  Master G and I talked to family that we only see once a year.  It was a good catch up.  Uncles and Aunts are getting older so important to see them.  My cousins are now having their own children so hopefully the family traditions will continue.  This will mean I'll have to improve my cooking skills!

Driving back Master O was watching the cars on the freeway next to us.  He looked over and said, 'look there's a man in a gorilla suit driving the car.' 

Master G looked over and laughed, 'that's not a gorilla, that's a hairy man!'

The occupants with the hairy man then looked at us, looking at them, it was hilarious.

Out of Control

Tomorrow we have to go and buy Master G his own remote control helipcopter.  Master O doesn't get much of a chance to play on it before Master G uses all the battery from playing with it. 
Its so funny watching Master G hogging the helicopter.

Ofcourse the Litte T the cat is not happy about the hovering helicopter he hides under the table waiting for it to stop.

Loving: Digital Radio

Kookaburras were up at 5.30.  Little T the cat was up at 5.40.  Kids were up by 6.30am.   The sun is shining and Master G has put on one of the digital radio. There is such a great selection of channels. Great morning, nice music, just hanging out, love it!

My beautiful Christmas present!

How lucky am I?!  My man surprised me with a beautiful ring.  Perfect fit too.  Feel very lucky.  Wonderful surprise.  I love the ring!

Christmas at Mum's House 2011

Mum has created such a wonderful Christmas experience for the kids.  They love going to Nanna's house and every year they count the days till the tree goes up and the decorations come out.  The house is filled with so many decorations that its hard not to get in the festive mood.  There is always a new Santa novelty decoration.  One year it was climbing Santa, another was 'sensor' Santa that danced when you walked past.  The kids have so much fun.  This year was toilet Santa.

Below is Nanna's Christmas tree with stockings on the mantle piece. 
The kids love the surprise treats in their stockings.
Mum and I normally just add chocolate to each other's stockings, and
add another 5 kilos to our hips!

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Santa is on the way

I feel a tremendous amount of satisfaction at my accomplishments today;  the presents are all wrapped, we got a few extra gifts today without any drama, we enjoyed a nice lunch, the food is read for tomorrow and the house is clean.

The only thing left to do is to write on the Christmas cards.   For me it can take a while to find the right words without getting too melancholy.

Friday, 23 December 2011

Litte T our Cat

Taking a nap from his hard day of chasing bugs and watching the birds!

He has made Master G in to a big softy.  Its so nice to watch.  Little T has been so
wonderful for this family, there is so much love, affection and playfulness that has
come out in all of us.  Little T has also brought more laughter than I thought
possible.  And I thought our family was funny and crazy enough!!

Love our home

I really do love where we live

Feeding the birds by hand

Painting and hangout,
Little T the cat always by our side (as he creeps past in this photo)

Finding jelly fish, star fish and shells at the beach
(Master G makes me very clucky when he plays with the kids.
He is so good with them.)

Only for the Brave!

It has to be done.  There is no option but to face the crowds, the parking mayhem and hordes of determined and tired mum and dads amongst the teenagers that hover in the walking paths of shopping centres.  Yes, today I faced the shops to complete the Christmas shopping.

Thankfully my work car spot is close to all the shops so without much hassle I parked and strolled in while chatting to mum about her Christmas preparations.  I was in such luck when I went looking for Master G's present, the shop assistant was helpful, shepointed me in the direction of my next gift which was the only one left.... I got served at the registers right away.  Slowly, the crowds of shoppers weren't so bad, the Christmas music playing got me in the spirit and I smiled to myself as I looked for gifts for the kids.  I did do some miles walking from when end of the huge shoping centre to the other and then back again as I tried to work out if I had everything I needed.  Next year I must do a list!

As my feet began to ache I finally sat for lunch at 3pm!  Sushi Train beckoned me and a cup of green tea.  ooooh, nice, this was good.  Shopping complete, no stress or drama.

On my way home I talked to Master G, he was loading up the kids new iPod Touches, which was proving more challenging than he thought.  Glad we're getting it done today!

I sat in the kids room, listening to some easy music and wrapping presents.  It was a good feeling.  In the background were some frustrated grunts from Master G as the iPod registrations weren't so smooth.  All in all, great day!


Thursday, 15 December 2011

Yearning for a holiday

2011 has been a big year. I'm exhausted. Emotionally it's been a roller coaster too but I'm wiser and stronger for it. Was the Universe testing me on my decisions, perhaps. But I'd really like for the Universe to help with a holiday. Just small little breaks would b fine.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Grateful for sunny afternoon

Thank you Universe.  Out of all the days I needed it to stop raining, the clouds cleared and the blue sky came out to warm us.  The kids played in the park under the watchful and amused eyes of nanna while I went to an appointment.  They ran around the new park for half hour having a great time.  Mum enjoyed relaxing in the sun after a busy day.  It was such a big, leafy park with lots to explore and climb, so easy to sit back and watch the kids have fun.

Afterwards we cooked dinner for mum.  She loved having a home cooked meal and she laughed as the kids told stories and we passed the 'speaker' spoon around to ask questions.  We all missed Master G who is away.

I'm tired now.  A big day, although normally, as I get the kids ready for school, drop them off, race to work, grab groceries at lunch, pick them up, play with them, cook, and do the bath, brush teeth, read book routine with them, clean up and prepare for tomorrow, put the clean clothes away.  I'm blessed, they are wonderful and make me laugh everyday but geez I'm tired.  I need a holiday.  Please Universe, I need a holiday

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Tiger's Big Adventure

Late Saturday night, still awake, Master G and I decide on a drive.  We enjoy cruising around, checking out the sites, people watching, a stop off for gelato, cake or hot chocolate.... tonight though Master G thought Tiger might like to come with us.  In his litte carry bag he hopped in his bag for the car ride and off we went -

Tiger crossing the Harbour Bridge!

Tiger checking out the characters at Kings Cross with its bright lights

Tiger taking in the locals at Manly

Tiger at McDonalds - we could interest him a in a fillet of fish though

Saturday, 26 November 2011

The simple things in life

Enjoyed a quiet Sunday morning in the sunshine watching the kids play with the rotor spin tennis set.  We could hear the birds waking, Litte cat T sat under my chair in the shade, peaking out to watch the kids as the relaxing Sunday unfolded.

Today we splashed in the waves at Manly, Litte Master O and Little Miss S giggling as the waves pushed through them before washing to shore.  Little Miss S hanging on for dear life but loving the force of the water as she gripped my hand.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Great Sunday Escape

I'm so grateful for friends inviting us to share their country home with us.  It is my ideal farm, it has a beautiful deep balcony that overlooks the paddocks and stream, a pergola surrounded by wonderful deep hammocks, a tree house suspended over a trickling stream, chickens, goats, cows, horses and most importantly bike tracks and paddocks for the boys to ride their bikes and quad bikes.

The kids had an amazing time and such freedom to run and explore.  The girls picked flowers and played so happily.  The boys got on the bikes and raced through the paddocks to the dirt tracks.

Master G showed Little Master O the way.  He is such a great role model in many ways. I'm blessed.
It was such a relaxing and fun day.  If I was going to have a farm, this would be it.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Billy Connolly

Urban Hunk has been working very hard so it was great to have a night out together and enjoy a show.  Tonight was Billy Connolly who has sold out 25 shows, including 6 at the Opera House.  We were lucky to get seats so I warned Urban Hunk we might be sitting closer to the roof than the stage.  I had also forgotten my glasses and they don't have large screens at the elegant and dignified Opera House.  It took me forever to decide on the tickets and whether to pay for seats that could be up near the rafters, I wasn't sure of the layout because I haven't been to this section of the Opera House, so much internal chatter I was exhausted before I finally bought them.  Arriving in good time before the show we made our way to the seats, wow, we're in the centre in an elevated position, fantastic, I felt so lucky, I didn't even need my glasses.  I tried to only sip my lemon, lime bitters so I wouldn't have to go the bathroom half through the performance.  The last thing I need is to be heckled!
Billy Connolly has this animated and off-the-cuff intensity that has you caught up in every story.  He has a great outlook on life and reminds you not to take life so seriously.  Thankfully I embarrass myself enough to be able to laugh at myself daily and Urban Hunk will often find great amusement out of my exploits, a few I can't even bare to write about.  Great night.

Monday, 4 April 2011


I won my first ever competition!  I can't believe it.  How excited.  I got a call from TodayFM telling me to be at the radio station by 4pm to get the limo, yes, a limousine, out to be Vajazzled!  Before I accept I do the quickest mental checklist ever: am I wearing nice underpants? am I prepared down there? I take in my clothes, shoes, I'll need a jacket, should I take the camera, no, I'll have phone!  Right, I agree to accept the offer to be Vajazzled.
I want to surprise Urban Hunk so this adds to my excitement.  I’m too embarrassed to tell any one about my Vajazzling but so energised that I’m busting to tell some one. I leave a message for my close friend, knowing that she'll get a laugh out of it.  Why am I so embarrassed about explaining it, I can be such a prude.  I laugh at myself and the electricity zipping through my body.
Urban Hunk phoned.  He can tell some thing is up by my voice.  I realise that my Vajazzle probably won't last until Friday. Damn.  So I tell him the news.  We both laugh hard, only me, he says. 
I wish I could use my navigational device inside buildings because finding the lifts in to the radio station is proving a challenge.  Composing myself as I walk through 2 security doors I'm greeted by the young and over-confident Simon.  He thinks he is way too good looking than what he is but he's young and its fun to watch the circus of personalities at the radio station.  Four other girls are also there waiting for our Vajazzled experience, they're much younger.  I wonder if they'll have champagne in the limo.  I go to the bathroom to empty my bladder incase I'm in luck with the champagne!  I'm sure as you get older your bladder shrinks.
I return to find the other girls still just sitting there but not talking.  Hmmm.  Okay, too weird, so I break the ice with, "so, what kind of Vajazzle do you think you might get?"  The others girls all smile and its like they exhale for the first time as they relax and start talking all at once, throwing out names and ideas about what they'd get.  Ofcourse we forget it’s a small area 'down there' and names like, 'press here,' 'enter,' might not fit and the conversation then goes down hill fast as every one laughs and get over excited.
The Hummer Limo is waiting, lots of people are on the pavement and watching as we giggle like school girls and climb in.  Inside it's like a disco, lights dance around the ceiling, music plays and there is bottled water and lollies.  No champagne.  Although this is probably a good thing because the other girls are too excited and crude and I'd hate to see them after a glass of champagne while stuck in a limo.  I sit back and listen as they talk about their boyfriends and their sex life.  They're not shy about sharing details which amuses me.
The TodayFM crew tell us about what to expect and prepare us for the Vajazzle. As we reach the Beauty Salon out west we're guided in and filmed as we're Vajazzled.  Its quite a delicate operation and quite comical as they interview me while on the table.  It's all sound bites for radio so we fake some comments and sounds.  I would never have done some thing like this in the past, now here I lay getting myself Vajazzled!  Such a fun night, a great experience chalked up. 

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Scary Dam

For my birthday we enjoyed a weekend away to Eaglereach Wilderness Resort near Barrington Tops.  I felt like a very lucky girl.  (Will think of some very nice rewards for UB for being so good.)  Urban Hunk organised a secluded lodge on the mountain's edge of the resort overlooking Barrington tops.
After a race to the top of the mountain, which was absolutely terrifying because it was pitch black, a very steep hill with a curvy dirt road and no lights, I hope we didn't kill any wild life, we made check-in just in time.  To reduce my heart rate I needed a drink and dinner.  It just so happened the owner of the Treehops Restaurant was Richard Branson's former chief so we enjoy a divine dinner following the rally race up the moutain.
Pitch black and no lights we looked for our lodge number on a wooden post.  It was a very bumpy dirt road and we followed it a short distance to the mountain's edge.  A great way dispose of some one if you don't like them.  I stayed tucked behind UB incase there were any spiderwebs or insects that was to surprise us.  I couldn't wait till morning to see where we were, it was just so dark.
Sleep would've been good but we had a party animal in the house.  It danced on the floor when the lights went out.  I poked Urban Hunk asking him to turn the light on.  He sigh, there was no use he told me.  With me not sleeping he humoured me and switched the lamp on.  The noise stopped.  We couldn't see any thing.  I was to scared to go the bathroom so I made UrbanHunk come with me and wait outside the door.  Naturally, I checked the toilet first for snakes or spiders because I'm guessing that fly screens don't keep them out.  Then I raced back to bed.  Snuggled in again, off went the lamp.  On went the little critters night time dancing.  It was running across the floor.  How am I going to sleep?  Just say it jumps on the bed?  Just say it gets in the bed?  From sheer exhaustion I finally fell asleep.
Warily I looked at the bottom of the bed, phew, no marsupial watching us.  I looked out the floor to ceiling glass window to a spectacular view of the Barrington Tops.  We were a secluded lodge and from our verandah we saw out to the ranges, it was so peaceful, like we were a million miles away.  I think our phones would even be out of service from this spot.
The resort had walking tracks, a lush rainforest with some very ancient trees, volcanic rock formations, large lagoon and wildlife to observe.  We spent the day exploring the area and booked in a massage for the afternoon.  My limbs were heavy and so relaxed I tripped and slipped three times like an old lady in a slippery bath before making it back to the lodge.

Tonight I was prepared for our critter.  I wanted to leave the bathroom light on to spot him.  Ofcourse this didn't work and I fell fast asleep tucked in to Urban Hunk.  Heaven.
We had breakfast at the Restaurant watching kookaburras in the tree and kangaroos on the grass below the verandah, it was wonderful. We people watched, animal watched and tucked in to a full breakfast. I think I'll need to increase the exercise after this weekend.
We drove out to Locksock Dam.  It was very scenic as we crossed rivers and watched the rolling hills go by.  The drive lead us around to a small island.  No one was there as we drove down and around the slope of the grass down to the water.  The air, the water, it was all so still.  We sat and took it all in.  It's so easy to be with Urban Hunk, to chat, laugh and just enjoy, I feel at peace, a warm content feeling, I savour it, I yawn and sigh a lot.  Very relaxed.  As we head off we notice another car parked just on the slope to the right.  There's a lady bending over.  She's shaking her bum.  It's big, and white, she'd be about 100kgs.  Omg, I can't believe it.  She has her pants pulled down and she is doing a poo and shaking her bum.  Urban Hunk is looking at my horrified face.  She's shaking a shit out of her bum.  yuk.  omg.  The lady looked up just as we passed her. I hope we don't see them back at the resort.  I'm speechless.  That was the most gross thing I've ever seen.  I finally find some words and Urban Hunk is laughing his head off.  I think I need another drink.

 It's always an adventure with Urban Hunk, some thing always happens. 

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Time is your friend

A wise friend once told me, 'time is your friend.'   It make me stop and questions why I was always racing against it.  Why I hurried about and walked so quickly.  Why was I rushing?  You can not beat time.  So from that day forward I made time my friend. 
Well it was easier said than done.  I had to make a conscious effort to not do two things at once, to walk slower, breathe, drive smoothly and slowly, save petrol was one good motivator in changing my driving habits, and it worked!   I often had to repeat my new mantra, 'time is your friend,' as I found my heart racing from rushing or frustrated by a queue of people.  Slowly it sunk in, I slowed down.  I used the time wisely.  I started observing so much of life around me.  It's not to say I'm cured but I certainly see a lot more and its open up a whole new world on conversation with people I've never met before but have shared part of the life experiences with me.

Monday, 28 March 2011

The one thing I don't burn!

The kids get so excited about having pancakes for breakfast.  A Nutella moustache lines their upper lip as they devour them faster than what I can cook them.
It's the morning after a sleep over and the kids are still in their pajamas playing.  I love these slow and easy mornings.  I love setting up the craft activities, beyblade stadiums, lego and just letting them go to do what they'd like.  The sound of their laughter and chatter is music to my ears.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Good morning Canberra!

Urban Hunk flew me in to Canberra for the weekend.  Excited and nervous.  It had been a long week and I missed him terribly.  On top of a hectic Friday, I had to try and pack carry-on luggage only for my trip.  Do you know how hard it is to only pack a small case?!  I had to put in clothes incase it was hot, cold, for evening, day time, walking shoes, high heels. I don't think men appreciate this difficult task.  Having managed to neatly fold all my delicates I must admit it was fantastic being able to just walk on and off the plane without waiting for baggage.  I also did the online check-in so I strolled straight to the boarding gate when I arrived at the airport.  It was awesome.  Although getting lost (only me!) trying to exit airport was frustrating because I was being collected in the Departures, not the Arrivals, but I'm used to walking against the crowds.
I was delighted that Urban Hunk got to spend all of Saturday with me.  We cruised around Canberra and amongst it all checked out Black Mountain Tower which is basically a tall Telstra Tower with an observation platform for tourists.  We could see out to the mountain ranges as we looked at the spread out city of Canberra which is also so green for this time of year.  We braved the outdoor viewing platform which warned us to be careful of flying ants that could bite and sting!  Who would put wings on large ants!  Thankfully we weren't attacked by the nasty critters.

Left to my own devices on Sunday morning I laid around the hotel room in the sun reading the Sunday papers, it felt so indulgent to be so lazy.  Feeling like I really should do some thing I went for a stroll.  If I could find the 'off' switch for that voice that pokes me I would've been asleep on the hotel bed.  Lots of people were on their bicycles, cars drove like they only had one gear, it felt like I was lost in time after the hustle and bustle of Sydney.
Leaving Sunday afternoon was hard.  I wanted my man back in Sydney, back in bed, back home!  Too many hugs and lingering kisses we peeled ourselves apart to face another week on our own. Four more nights and counting!  And only two weeks until he returns home from the Canberra job.